Health & Social Care Research Across North East & North Cumbria.
Benefits of research in schools
Benefits of research in schools
Benefits of quantitative research in schools
Supporting the curriculum
The nature of the data collected in quantitative research (quantifiable, objective and generalisable), means that the processes involved in research projects can be used in school classrooms to support the curriculum.
Here are a few examples:

Using research data can support the teaching of statistics in maths in many ways including how the use of research statistics can measure the validity of findings.

By using research data in History lessons, variables over time can be explored, such as the reduction of diseases through history.

IT in schools can exemplify how the use of software, such as excel, can speed up data analysis, increase accuracy and reduce bias in data analysis.

Using health data through time, in the Geography curriculum, can be used to exemplify correlation and causation regarding immunisation in different countries of the world.
Benefits of qualitative research in schools
Fostering personal growth in young people
The data collected in qualitative research (subjective and specific) is about engaging young people in activities and conversations. These will enable them to discuss issues related to the research topics and it is therefore more likely that the benefits will be experienced by young people beyond the school curriculum.
The benefits are likely to include:

Confidence building
Improved confidence as young people are having to build relationships in order to collect reliable evidence over a period of time.

Improved trust and relationships with adults
There is also the potential to improve trust between adults in school and young people as they are seen as co-researchers in certain projects.

Empowerment and inspiration
Working in this way can empower young people and on occasions inspire them to act.

Critical thinking skills
Projects which involve young people as co-researchers have been shown to develop their critical thinking skills.

Socio-emotional development
Where such projects enable young people to work with their peers to collect data, they have improved their socio-emotional skills and they have, on occasions, developed as mentors.

Communication and research skills
Working as co-researchers develops young people’s communication and research skills.
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