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Health & Social Care Research Across North East & North Cumbria.

Bob's Research Story

Bob's Research Story

Bob Barber says...

"Without research and the evidence it generates, it's hard to see how we progress!"

On this page

What do you enjoy about research?
I think this is partly to do with how I see the value of research. To me, without research and the evidence it generates, it's hard to see how we progress! I also like that research gives my working life greater balance and variety, complementing my day-to-day clinical practice.

What training and support have you found most valuable in your career?
I think this has varied depending on what stage I have been at, but a core element throughout has been finding the right support from people. This has been so helpful not only when I started and wasn't sure about how to get involved and take my first steps, but over time I would knock on many colleagues' door asking for guidance, advice, and help with general troubleshooting. The good news is there is a huge amount of expertise in our region to help you. - but I appreciate when you start it can be difficult to know about the "who, how and what" steps.

The other issue has been getting the right job plan to facilitate my involvement - and this can involve having a number of conversations over time with key people to keep this alive. Trying to find solutions to problems can help other people facilitate your journey. Try not to get too discouraged and where you can form alliances, so you have support to develop and deliver research.  

Which people/organisations did you get in touch with to help you?
If you are brand new, then try and contact your specialty group lead – they will often have a really good understanding of who you can get in touch with and what research opportunities are currently alive and kicking!

Bob Barber's top 3 tips

Definitely start by getting connected! Joining a research team with a track record and pedigree is great place to start. Most, if not all, high-quality research is about working in teams, sharing expertise and learning from others, so joining an established research platform really does help. It smooths out the bumps and helps you get orientated to how research is conducted.

It's OK to start small and dream big! Research does take time, so starting with discreet, manageable and realistic projects is better than taking on too much too early. Things will build and evolve, so give yourself time!

Try to be as strategic as possible when mapping out your future research aspirations. Ask, enquire and think about where you would like to be in the future. For example, would you like to be an academic researcher, a clinician who is research active, or involved in research in another way?

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