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Health & Social Care Research Across North East & North Cumbria.

Ears, Nose and Throat

Meet the Team

Ears, nose and throat covers all conditions of the ears, nose and throat, this includes issues surrounding hearing and balance. Problems with these organs can impact daily functions including breathing, swallowing, communication, smell and taste.

Portfolio research is inclusive of hearing loss, tinnitus, balance and dizziness, allergies, infections and cancers of the head and neck.

Susan Ridge

Research delivery manager

CRN North East and North Cumbria

David Hamilton

Ears, nose and throat specialty group lead

The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Areas supported:

Anaesthesia, perioperative medicine and pain management, critical care, trauma and emergency, ophthalmology, ears, nose and throat, musculoskeletal, surgery and oral and dental

Connect with Susan Ridge

Email Susan

David Hamilton's research experience

I am a consultant and ENT, head, neck and thyroid surgeon at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle. I am a hard working clinical academic: my research focuses on patient centred decision making, informed consent and functional outcomes after cancer treatment.

My clinical work centres on developing safe processes of care, reducing inequality and developing the roles of allied healthcare professionals and trainee surgeons. I am currently setting up and running the MRC and NIHR funded Laryngeal Cancer Cohort (LARCH), which will open throughout the North of England.

In my role as the regional lead I am committed to developing the role of trainee surgeons and allied healthcare professionals. I am PI for a number of studies but I am also keen to develop others to become PIs via direct mentorship, the “Greenshoots” initiative or the associate PI scheme.

I am committed to making research a routine part of our daily clinical practise. Research benefits clinicians and patients and should be embedded in our routine work Tips for getting involved in ENT research: Contact the research lead in your department to see which trials are recruiting. Look up the Associate PI scheme to see if any studies in your department offer one, and finally, contact your local CRN lead to see if new studies could be adopted at your site

Connect with David Hamilton

Email David

Follow David on Twitter

How to get involved


Visit the national specialty page here

Apply for the Associate PI scheme

Audiologists can become an Associate Principal Investigator through the scheme where they will be mentored by a local PI at a study site.

Get in touch

Contact the North East and North Cumbria Study Support Service on [email protected] for advice.

Be Part of Research

Signpost your patients to Be Part of Research

Funding opportunities

Explore funding opportunities for research in the ENT specialty therapy area.