Health & Social Care Research Across North East & North Cumbria.
Critical Care
Meet the Team
The critical care specialty supports the delivery of research to the most critically unwell patients, these patients are in intensive, high dependency or acute care settings. Research is delivered through engaging the existing research community and developing the local infrastructure to ensure the research is delivered in the area of patient need.
The critical care portfolio includes interventions to improve the outcomes from acute respiratory distress syndrome and sepsis, the long term implications of a critical illness and how to improve recovery outcomes, the mechanisms and management for brain injuries, guides for intensive care of common and complicated conditions and minimising the risks and morbidities associated with major surgery.

Susan Ridge
Research delivery manager
CRN North East and North Cumbria

Dr Tony Rostron
Critical care specialty group lead
South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
Areas supported:
Anaesthesia, perioperative medicine and pain management, critical care, trauma and emergency, ophthalmology, ears, nose and throat, musculoskeletal, surgery and oral and dental
Dr Tony Rostron's research experience
I am an academic in critical care medicine in the Translational and Clinical Research Institute. As a practising clinician, I am an honorary consultant in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine at Sunderland Royal Hospital, South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust.
My research interest is understanding the innate immune response to critical illness. I qualified in medicine from the University of Cambridge. I initially embarked upon surgical training in the north east before training in anaesthetics and intensive care medicine.
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