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Health & Social Care Research Across North East & North Cumbria.


Meet the Team

One of the fastest growing and diverse research portfolios, anaesthesia, perioperative care and pain management cares for all patient groups, including paediatrics, adults and obstetric patients. Whether they require emergency surgery or a procedure to treat a long term condition, the diverse portfolio of industry sponsored studies, medical technology interventions and academic research brings together the NHS, academic institutions, social care and MedTech research. 

Susan Ridge

Research delivery manager

CRN North East and North Cumbria

Dr Iain McCullagh

Anaesthesia, perioperative medicine and pain management specialty group lead

The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Areas supported:

Anaesthesia, perioperative medicine and pain management, critical care, trauma and emergency, ophthalmology, ears, nose and throat, musculoskeletal, surgery and oral and dental

Connect with Susan Ridge

Email Susan

Dr Iain McCullagh's research experience

I trained in anaesthesia and intensive care in Edinburgh and Toronto. Following the completion of my training, I was appointed as a consultant at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle in 2012.

After undergoing some local research training, I began leading portfolio studies in intensive care and anaesthesia as a principle investigator (PI) and then went on to develop my own work in the field of postoperative delirium with a regional multi-centre study completing in 2018. This work is being further developed with the help of contacts I have made after joining the chief investigator (CI) scheme.

Currently, I am currently completing a masters in research in at Newcastle University and I am engaged in developing grant applications with POMCTN and with Newcastle based intensive care researchers.

Connect with Dr Iain McCullagh

Email Iain

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How to get involved


Visit the national specialty page here

Apply for the Associate PI scheme

The Associate Principal Investigator scheme is perfect for trainee anaesthetists who wish to develop their research career.

Be Part of Research

Direct your patients to Be Part of Research as research cannot happen without volunteers!

Priority setting partnerships

Familiarise yourself with the priority setting partnerships which have been laid out by the James Lind Alliance. The questions that are asked as part of the priority setting partnership can be used to influence research questions and subsequent projects. 

Funding opportunities

Keep checking the funding opportunities that are available from the NIHR. There may be something that is perfect for you.