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Health & Social Care Research Across North East & North Cumbria.

Nurses, midwives and allied health professionals

Developing expertise for nurses, midwives and allied health professionals

1 Taking your first steps

It's OK to ask

  • start asking patients and clients you see about whether they would like to take part in research
  • develop a curiosity to ask questions - every patient encounter is an opportunity

Have a go

  • conduct an audit or quality improvement project
  • carry out a literature review (with library and knowledge services if available) to see if your service and practice can be improved
  • identify what your learning needs are and whether you can attend relevant training, such as through NIHR Learn

Check out

First nurse to join research team straight from university

Being confident and motivated is the key to landing an opportunity in research

First nurse to join research team straight from university

A newly qualified nurse has become the first nurse in the region to join a research team straight from university instead of going for the traditional nursing route.

2 Building your skills and confidence

Building your skills and confidence

It's OK to ask

  • join a research group and attend seminars
  • connect with your speciality leads via our Getting Connected page

Have a go

Check out

  • contact your research and development department to see if you can get involved in an active study – there are lots of different roles such as recruiter, rater, sub-investigator, data manager, and delivering an intervention, that could match with your interest and skill set

Video: What is the Associate Principal Investigator Scheme?

Video: NIHR Principal Investigator Pipeline Programme

3 Advancing your career

Advancing your career

It’s OK to ask

  • consult the advice your professional body has to offer (for example, the Royal College of Midwives, the Nursing and Midwifery Council or the Health and Care Professions Council)
  • speak to your specialty group lead about funding opportunities
    consult the Research Support Service if you're interested in developing your own research proposal
  • ask for advice from like-minded colleagues who are research active
  • contact your local university to find out what training, research and career opportunities are available

Have a go

  • consider applying for master's degree or a PhD
  • join a research group preparing a funding application
  • develop your CV by exploring options to present and publish research or literature reviews

Check out

Video: What is a clinical academic career?

4 There are lots of opportunities to get involved in research

Listen to our "Next Generation Researcher" podcasts to hear how colleagues from our region have developed their involvement in research.