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Health & Social Care Research Across North East & North Cumbria.

Leading research - becoming an investigator

Leading research - becoming an investigator

Associate Principal Investigator

What the role involves: The Associate Principal Investigator (PI) scheme is for people who would not normally have the opportunity to carry out clinical research in their day-to-day role. The scheme gives people the chance to experience what it means to work on and deliver an NIHR portfolio trial under the mentorship of an enthusiastic local PI.


What the role involves: An individual working in partnership with the principal investigator in the management, development and/or execution of the project. A co-investigator typically devotes a specified percentage of time to the project and is considered key personnel.


What the role involves: A member of the research team designated and supervised by the PI to perform critical study-related procedures and/or to make important study-related decisions.

Principal Investigator

What the role involves: An individual responsible for the conduct of the research at a research site. There should be one principal investigator (PI) for each research site. In the case of a single-site study, the chief investigator and the PI will normally be the same person.

The role of a Principal Investigator

Chief Investigator

What the role involves: The chief investigator is the lead researcher for a study and is responsible for the overall conduct of a research project.